KRB is a token for the Krebit Community.  The definition for the KRB contract can be found in the “contract.krebit.eth” IPFS address.

Krebit is a Mintable or Cyclical Token, which is a subset of what’s known as a continuous token model. “A continuous token model is a model where the supply of tokens fluctuates according to rules set by the network. Instead of a fixed supply, tokens can be minted (created) and burned (destroyed) increasing and decreasing the token supply respectively.”

ERC-20 with modifications:

  • Mintable and Burnable

  • Supports gasless transactions through EIP-712 signed delegations.

  • Reputation would only be transferable between accounts with a minKRBBalanceToTransfer.

Changes to the KRB token contract parameters are governed by voted decisions in an open DAO.

Unlike regular ERC20 tokens, reputation cannot be freely transferred between accounts, as it represents an appraisal of the account’s activities by their peers. Reputation must therefore be earned by direct action within the community. 

The Verifiable Credentials expiration date ensures that reputation scores represent recent contributions to Krebit. “The continuous decay of reputation ensures that the influence conveyed by reputation is recently earned and up-to-date. As such, it prevents a reputation aristocracy and allows for a fluid passing of control from one set of contributors to another over time”.